Saturday, November 30, 2013


*Before you read- this piece has many errors, I know. I was too lazy to type well at 12:00am and I just felt like expressing my feelings, so ignore the mistakes and yeah. And this is not what I would normally post or write, I don't usually like to express my feelings publicly but whatever.

Okay so here’s the thing, I honestly do not know how this post or this writing piece or whatever is going to go, but let me just “wing it”. To be quite frank, I am using my brother’s keyboard and it is so awesome and so I don’t know how to explain this but I have a thing for typing on keyboards, so basically this keyboard made me want to write. (Big brother if you are reading this, I stole your keyboard btw :)..) And who knows how this will go. Please ignore my grammatical errors in this writing piece, I am indeed too lazy to write formally, so this is merely an informal piece. I don’t really know what I feel right now, I don’t even know if I have any feelings honestly. Feelings are nonexistent to me, there is no definition under the word “feelings” in my so-called dictionary. But somehow, today, and just today, I feel sad. Yes, today I am feeling. “Hello 911, I need help. I am starting to feel things”- this is what I would have done, but realistically speaking I cannot do that. Anyways, yes I am sad. I am sad for me, and I am sad for you too. I am sad that the earth is hurting, that mother nature is sitting precariously on the edge of earth, waiting for it’s arrival to leave this monetary system we call life. I am sad for earth’s people. I am sad that millions of people do not even have anything to eat, no shelter, no education, no nothing. Everybody deserves to have an education, education is obligatory, education is life itself. Without knowledge, how can one live in this cramped up sphere full of pretentious robots. I am so sad that trees are being cut down every single second, and I am sad because I cannot do anything about it no matter how much I try to speak up. Truly, I am sad that populations are being displaced, that children are getting blown up in the Middle East by the so-called “good people”. I am sad that people die of diseases they cannot afford the medicine to, and I am sad that I do not have all the money in the world to help save every single person on the verge of losing his/her soul. I am sad that wolves and animals are being gunned down in Idaho. I am sad that she committed suicide because she felt oppressed by society and its moral values and how everyone told her she’s not pretty/skinny/good enough. I am sad that our precious 70% of water that this earth holds is being poisoned directly in front of us and no one is giving an absolute damn about it all. I am sad that so many of us human beings are complicit. I am sad because so many people think they are in a higher standard and they are superior because of their skin color or their nationality/religion. I am sad that that single suffering mom cannot pay her bills in order to provide her children with a happier and a healthier life. I am sad because I cannot help her. I am sad that most of us are moving forward one step and simultaneously taking two steps back. I am sad because I cannot fix this all. And I am sad because I tried and tried but I failed. I am sad and I am tired of trying to try to help. But I will not stop until I succeed.