Saturday, November 30, 2013


*Before you read- this piece has many errors, I know. I was too lazy to type well at 12:00am and I just felt like expressing my feelings, so ignore the mistakes and yeah. And this is not what I would normally post or write, I don't usually like to express my feelings publicly but whatever.

Okay so here’s the thing, I honestly do not know how this post or this writing piece or whatever is going to go, but let me just “wing it”. To be quite frank, I am using my brother’s keyboard and it is so awesome and so I don’t know how to explain this but I have a thing for typing on keyboards, so basically this keyboard made me want to write. (Big brother if you are reading this, I stole your keyboard btw :)..) And who knows how this will go. Please ignore my grammatical errors in this writing piece, I am indeed too lazy to write formally, so this is merely an informal piece. I don’t really know what I feel right now, I don’t even know if I have any feelings honestly. Feelings are nonexistent to me, there is no definition under the word “feelings” in my so-called dictionary. But somehow, today, and just today, I feel sad. Yes, today I am feeling. “Hello 911, I need help. I am starting to feel things”- this is what I would have done, but realistically speaking I cannot do that. Anyways, yes I am sad. I am sad for me, and I am sad for you too. I am sad that the earth is hurting, that mother nature is sitting precariously on the edge of earth, waiting for it’s arrival to leave this monetary system we call life. I am sad for earth’s people. I am sad that millions of people do not even have anything to eat, no shelter, no education, no nothing. Everybody deserves to have an education, education is obligatory, education is life itself. Without knowledge, how can one live in this cramped up sphere full of pretentious robots. I am so sad that trees are being cut down every single second, and I am sad because I cannot do anything about it no matter how much I try to speak up. Truly, I am sad that populations are being displaced, that children are getting blown up in the Middle East by the so-called “good people”. I am sad that people die of diseases they cannot afford the medicine to, and I am sad that I do not have all the money in the world to help save every single person on the verge of losing his/her soul. I am sad that wolves and animals are being gunned down in Idaho. I am sad that she committed suicide because she felt oppressed by society and its moral values and how everyone told her she’s not pretty/skinny/good enough. I am sad that our precious 70% of water that this earth holds is being poisoned directly in front of us and no one is giving an absolute damn about it all. I am sad that so many of us human beings are complicit. I am sad because so many people think they are in a higher standard and they are superior because of their skin color or their nationality/religion. I am sad that that single suffering mom cannot pay her bills in order to provide her children with a happier and a healthier life. I am sad because I cannot help her. I am sad that most of us are moving forward one step and simultaneously taking two steps back. I am sad because I cannot fix this all. And I am sad because I tried and tried but I failed. I am sad and I am tired of trying to try to help. But I will not stop until I succeed.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Should we blame society or should we blame ourselves?

    Proletariat envy and covetousness. This is what is wrong with society and the people in it. Honestly, society is wrong with society. It trains the next generation. If everyone had one of those "wake up moments" and stopped being so arrogant and thought for a change when teaching the next generation; we might be able to fix it.

     Society has failed itself on many different levels. As far as making this world a little safer for kids, I still think there's more that could be done to fix it. However, I also think we should look out for each other more often and not have the attitude that someone we don't know doesn't matter or doesn't need us. We all need each other in some form or some way. Yes, we're a bunch of complete strangers walking around, looking for the same exact things, and staying completely lost is what we are good at. We're in this world for a reason; we need each other more than we don't need each other. Cooperation is vital. Many people are turning to the internet for interaction instead of in person. It is affecting our moods and moral compass for certain.

     Why does one need to own an expensive car, or hold a bag which is a brand, or endless electronic devices? In this society most teenagers, or even adults, feel that they are obligated to own expensive merchandise to “fit in”. It drives me crazy, sometimes, the things that modern society finds so important -  looks, status, possessions. And even though you don't want to care, society presses its values on you and measures you by those values every time you step out of the door.

    Do you ever feel like your life is just passing you by? Like you’re a stranger in a room full of people you know. That no matter how hard you work, you’ll always fail. Do you know why you feel this way? This is because society has taught us to hate ourselves. Society has taught us that no matter what, we will never be good enough, pretty enough, or skinny enough. You look in the mirror and all you see is something less than beautiful. Society has made you a shell of your former self. It has taught you to look down on anyone who isn’t the definition of “beautiful.” But the real question is, is it “society” to blame, or ourselves? I believe that WE are society and if we want to make a difference then we have to first change ourselves. It’s the domino effect.

    There's so much wrong in the world and I wish I could just fix it all up. I look around and all I see are mindless corpses. I wish all girls thought they were pretty. I wish all boys and men were gentlemen. I wish imagination wasn't beaten out of every last inspired soul. I wish people would be open-minded and considerate. I wish everyone could just agree to disagree and get on with life. I wish I could walk down a street and not fear for my life. I could go on and on but no matter how many wishes I write they'll never be reality, and I'm not being negative. I'm being realistic.
I wish that there was a way I could escape this society, this monetary system. Unfortunately, I believe it's too late. I've been trained to play by money's rules, and it seems as if I cannot escape it. Sometimes, I'd like to just leave and go live in the middle of the woods with a small community.

“The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.” Samuel Johnson

    Our society has faltered and has lost its direction; society no longer feels the need to treat our fellow humans with respect. The recognition of another individual and to treating them with respect has disappeared with the advent of our cellular society. Treating others with respect and kindness, such as most do with their friends, is fast becoming extrinsic as technology progresses. But I still believe that this society is in our hands, we are making society fail. The people who think they are too good to talk to others are the some of the people who ruin this society.

   Don’t you notice when you stop at the red light you see the person walking to have the iPod jammed into their ears and texting on the phone totally clueless on what is happening around them? When you go to the gym it is more of a fashion statement than a workout. Women wear big bumble-bee sunglasses to cover their faces, and men juice their bodies up sacrificing the years of their life. This is all just to look good... This society, I believe, tells us to be careless about the smallest things and watch Jersey Shore or the other pointless show “Keeping up with the Kardashians”. Instead of keeping up with some celebrity’s life, keep up on your own life and start noticing what should be done. Don’t just say we should make a difference and then you just go sit there waiting for something to happen. Get up, and say “I will now make a difference”. Don’t you guys always complain about how people nowadays are trend followers? Well if we make a difference, it is most probable that other people would pitch in too. I feel like I am being surrounded by a bunch of robots that copy one another and just follow any trend that comes up.

     Everything seems to be about financial success and living a materially gifted life, people are absorbed by mind-numbing reality shows and being judgmental of those who are different. Living in this society is like being in prison, only you’re pressed so close to the bars that you can no longer see them there. This gives the false allure that you're a part of the world. So we are the people who hold this society, and we are the ones who shall fix it.

Be the change you wish to see in the world.